Juliana’s Story

Initially, I did not seek to communicate with Spirit; instead, Spirit appeared to me. I’m Juliana, a housewife and mother of two adult children. I grew up in Los Angeles, California, with my loving parents and four rambunctious siblings. My formative years were spent in Catholic grammar school, high school, and university, which laid a solid foundation for my spirituality.
I graduated with honors from Mount Saint Mary’s University in Los Angeles, where I earned a business degree with an emphasis in marketing. After graduation, I ventured into the real estate industry.
The first time I experienced heart-wrenching grief was with the sudden, unexplained death of my brother, Glenn Michael—it was a shock. Glenn and I were in our twenties, and his death left me emotionally crushed. Through my faith and the love and support from others, I managed to cope, survive, and, in due time, thrive.
In 1996, I had an encounter that I later discovered was a non-ordinary reality. One night, I was awakened by a light tap on my shoulder. Although no one was physically there, I sensed the presence of my best friend’s deceased mother-in-law. I felt compelled to write down the words I was hearing. By morning, I had transcribed a letter of love for the departed’s youngest daughter channeled through automatic writing.
This unusual event marked the beginning of my journey into awakening, understanding, and embracing my ability to communicate with the afterlife. For the next twenty years, I kept the multitude of visitations from the deceased private and discreet. I eventually viewed the ability to capture the essence and memories of a Communicator in spirit through clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairvoyance, as a blessing.
April 2017 was a turning point for me. I would no longer keep my mediumship underground. I committed to developing, refining, and sharing my psychic and mediumistic abilities. I studied extensively with mediums across the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom at the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted, England.
In 2018, I revealed my mediumship to the public. I became an in-house medium and psychic reader for a metaphysical boutique. I conducted readings, demonstrations, and courses in mediumship, a mediumship circle, and hosted a séance. In 2024, I returned as a guest medium for events.
I conduct my mediumship with respect for all religions, spiritual paths, and each person’s belief system. My deep passion and desire is to help others. Through my trials and tribulations, I’ve learned firsthand how love and support during times of grief, hardship, or uncertainty can intensely impact one’s life. I have experienced and witnessed miracles in the sphere of metaphysics. I believe the soul lives on after death; God gives us eternal life. Bodies may decay, but the spirit continues to exist. I am on standby to assist Spirit and you.
Special Mention – Issa R.
In 2017, Issa, a young man of 27, tragically died in a motorcycle accident. He was the nephew of my in-laws and a beloved member of our family. Since his passing, Issa has been a source of inspiration for me. At his burial, the funeral officiant declared loudly to his grieving parents, “You will never speak to your son again.”
Standing atop a rolling hillside overlooking Issa’s casket, the 150-plus attendees, and the doves circling the blue sky above, I heard Issa’s voice whisper, “Yes, I will; I will speak through you.” Instantly I knew that my ability to speak with the deceased would be exposed.
Issa began communicating with his parents through my automatic writing. He has since become my lead Spirit Guide, aiding my spiritual growth. I am deeply grateful to Issa for his guidance, patience, and encouragement. His love and loyalty to family and friends were boundless. Issa’s legacy to the world is his message of love and equality, “Never forget God. Never hide; we are all equal.”